Episode 204 – Would You Like Fries With That?
A Special Recording Time Means One Thing… RANDOMCAST! This week Brian and Johnny do what they do best… be random. Enjoy the madness. Infamous Shirts for Naked Bodies… You’ll feel “shirty” when you buy...
Episode 200 – We Were Born a Ramblin’ Man
The Bicentennial Episode! It is episode 200! And Brian and Johnny are doing what they do best… ramble on about the stuff we all love. Enjoy and thanks for 200 episodes of Infamous! Infamous...
Episode 188 – A Song of Fire and Podcast
Game Over This week on the podcast Brian and Johnny sing the Song of Ice and Fire as the break down the final season of the HBO series Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones...
The Age of Comics… It’s Good to be a Geek – Episode 9
The Age of Comics … It’s Good to be a Geek! With so much great stuff for geeks out there we really have inherited the pop culture world!