Episode 286 – Robin Goes BRZRKR!
There Were Actually TWO Good Comics Out This Week! This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl review Robin #1 from DC Comics and BRZRKR #2. Then they will give their last word on...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Episode 61
To Boldly Stay Put Outside a Wormhole This week Johnny and Brian forgo the dangers of star travel and settle in on Deep Space Nine. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was the first Star...
Batgirling… No More – Episode 6
This week on the Infamous Podcast the Brians are appalled by DC Comics “Batgirling” ban. They review Fear the Walking Dead, and Wonder why DC can’t make a movie without Batman. Oh, and the...
The Marvelous Dinosaur – Episode 5
This week the Brians discuss All-New All- Different from Marvel, Ronda Rousey as Captain Marvel and what happened at the 2015 Disney D:23 Expo.
Robin’s Home to Roost – Episode 2
Robin’s Home To Roost In the second episode of the Infamous Podcast, the Brians start the discussion, arguing about the merits of Robin, give an overview of the characters history, and ponder his place in...