Batgirling… No More
This week on the Infamous Podcast the Brians are appalled by DC Comics “Batgirling” ban. They review Fear the Walking Dead, and Wonder why DC can’t make a movie without Batman. Oh, and the Co-Director of OTRimprov David Powell joins us to talk IF Cincy Sept 10-13.
Quick Hits
Fear the Walking Dead… too early to tell, but the future is bleak for what is mostly an unnecessary zombie show. Did you watch? Or are you waiting for The Walking Dead proper to return this Fall?
Batgirling… editorial and creators at DC Comics have been told to pull back on what has been described as “Batgirling”. What will this mean for DC Comics and innovation?
Man of Steel 2… the rumor 2 weeks ago was George Miller (Mad Max) was going to direct Man of Steel 2. Now rumors a circulating that Man of Steel 2 is on permeant hold (whatever that means). Why is DC Entertainment so afraid to make of movie without Batman?
Cop or Drop
Lando #3
We Are Robin #3
Kanan: the Last Padawan #5
JLA #3
Improv Festival of Cincinnati
We were lucky enough to get a chance to sit down with David Powell this week. David, is the Co-Director of OTRimprov in Cincinnati, and this week he is promoting the Improv Festival of Cincinnati, better known as, IFCincy. 2015 marks the 2nd year of this weekend of improv fun in downtown Cincinnati September 10-13. This year’s special guest is Kevin McDonald from Kid’s in the Hall. Check them out at IFCincy.com to learn more.
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The Infamous Podcast can be found wherever podcasts are found on the Interwebs, feel free to subscribe and follow along on social media. And don’t be shy about helping out with a 5 star review on iTunes to help us out.
The music in this episodes is Pomade by Silent Partner. The Infamous Podcast is Brain Williams and Brian Tudor, and is produced and edited by Brian Tudor.
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