Episode 466 – An Invincible by Any Other Name

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The Infamous Podcast
Episode 466 - An Invincible by Any Other Name

All The Marks Than You Can Shake A Stick At

This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl are talking about Reacher Season 3, so far. And The Invincible War… no Episodes 5 and 6 NEVER happened.

Episode Index

Intro: 0:07
Invincible: 9:54
Reacher: 26:28

Invincible (Prime Video)

Out of 5 The Invincible War Was Crazys
Darryl: 4.45/5
Brian: 4.5/5

Episode 7: What Have I Done?
Director: Haylee Herrick
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Air Date: March 6, 2025
Angstrom sends his Invincible variants to destroy Earth and tarnish Mark’s image. The GDA, the Guardians, and Earth’s heroes are overwhelmed and suffer heavy losses. Eve is incapacitated; Rex sacrifices himself to save Rudy, Monster Girl, and Bulletproof; Darkwing II is presumed dead; and the Immortal, Kate, Samson, and Shapesmith are wounded. When the surviving Invincibles turn on Angstrom, he traps them on a desolate Earth before battling Mark. Mark overpowers and nearly kills Angstrom, but he escapes to the Technicians, advanced cybernetic surgeons who previously healed him. Angstrom orders them to fix his wounds, but they refuse, demanding he submit to their will. In the aftermath of Angstrom’s attack, an aged Viltrumite envoy named Conquest arrives to survey Mark’s subjugation of Earth for the Viltrum Empire and is disappointed by his lack of progress. Devastated by the destruction and deaths directed at him, Mark charges at Conquest to vent his rage.

Reacher Season 3: Episodes 1-5 (Prime Video)

Out of 10 Out of 10 Reacher is So Unstoppable, Gravity is Just a Suggestions
Darryl: 7/10
Brian: 7.76/10

Episode 1: Persuader
Director: Sam Hill
Writer: Scott Sullivan
Air Date: February 20, 2025
In Maine, Reacher saves a man from a kidnapping attempt by shooting the kidnapper. When Reacher accidentally shoots a cop, a police chase ensues. The man, whose name is Richard Beck, reveals to Reacher that someone had kidnapped him before and that his father only paid the ransom when his ear was amputated. Richard takes Reacher home to see his father, Zachary Beck. Reacher meets with Zachary, who thanks him for saving his son but is suspicious of him. Zachary offers Reacher a job if he plays Russian roulette, which he does. Reacher is working undercover for Susan Duffy, a DEA agent who recruited him to find a missing undercover agent, Teresa Daniels, in exchange for helping Reacher deal with a previous nemesis, Lieutenant Colonel Francis Xavier Quinn. To put Reacher undercover, they stage Richard’s kidnapping, with the kidnapper and the cop being DEA agents (Steven Eliot and Guillermo Villanueva) working with Duffy. Reacher sneaks into the garage at night, where he finds and reveals to Duffy that Teresa was there.

Episode 2: Truckin’
Director: Sam Hill
Writer: Penny Cox
Air Date: February 20, 2025
When Duffy learns from Reacher that Teresa is in danger, she beats up the bodyguard they are holding captive to find out what they plan to do with Teresa, but the bodyguard claims he does not know. Reacher has a brief scuffle with hulking bodyguard Paulie before Zachary’s head guard, Chapman Duke, sends Reacher to check out the hijacked cars. Reacher calls Duffy to tell her that it may be a problem for the kidnapping story; Duffy goes to the car yard to retrieve one of the cars. One of Zachary’s associates, Angel Doll, notices the bodyguard’s car but doesn’t see Duffy changed the license plate. Duke orders Reacher to take a truck to New London, Connecticut. Reacher calls Neagley to investigate the people he works with. Reacher meets with Duffy to check the trailer for drugs or Teresa’s body, but they only find carpets. Back in Maine, Doll questions Reacher about his actions at the yard and in the kidnapping, and when Doll tries to tell Duke about his suspicions, Reacher slams his head onto a table, killing him.

Episode 3: Number 2 with a Bullet
Director: Gary Fleder
Writer: Cait Duffy
Air Date: February 20, 2025
After returning from New London, Reacher meets with Zachary over a message from Doll. Reacher tries to make him believe that his partners are trying to betray him and that they should kill them, but Zachary doesn’t listen. After this, Reacher tells Duffy that he has a car ready to go back to the warehouse where he killed Doll. When Reacher arrives at the meeting point, Duffy tells him she will go with him to find Teresa, to which Reacher reluctantly agrees. At the warehouse, Reacher and Duffy search for Teresa and clean up Doll’s remains; two men arrive, and Reacher and Duffy kill them. Duffy keeps Doll’s laptop. The next day, Reacher has to be with Richard in town. Reacher defends him from some thugs, and Richard tells him that Zachary’s boss, Julius McCabe, threatened him and his father. When Reacher returns home, he goes with Duke and Zachary to a cabin, the kidnapper’s hiding spot. Reacher takes the opportunity to kill Duke, fake a shootout and blow up the house; in the car, he wins over Zachary and becomes his number two.

Episode 4: Dominique
Director: Sam Hill
Writer: Lillian Wang
Air Date: February 27, 2025
Reacher heads to Duffy’s house after gaining Zachary’s trust. He discovers that Julius McCabe is Xavier Quinn, whom he believed to be dead. Following the revelation, Reacher tells Duffy how he received a new partner, Dominique Kohl, to investigate a case involving Gorowski. They eventually force Gorowski to tell them that he works for Quinn, selling state secrets because Quinn threatened his family. Reacher and Kohl, along with Anthony Frasconi, intercept one of Quinn’s buyers, a Syrian businessman, Safwan Qasim, whom they force to assist in capturing Quinn. Having evidence to prosecute him, Reacher allows Kohl to arrest Quinn. Quinn instead kidnaps Kohl. In his search for her, Reacher finds Frasconi dead in a house, and later finds Kohl’s bloody body hanging in a cabin; Quinn brutally murdered her. Reacher finds Quinn and shoots him in retaliation, apparently killing him. Back in the present, Zachary sends Reacher to a factory where they have located Doll’s laptop and where Duffy is. Reacher heads to the factory as three of Quinn’s men arrive there.

Episode 5: Smackdown
Director: Norberto Barba
Writer: Scott Sullivan
Air Date: March 6, 2025
When Reacher can’t contact Duffy, he calls Eliot to call the company’s number. When Eliot calls, a gunfight breaks out between Quinn’s men and Duffy and Villanueva; Reacher helps Duffy and Villanueva escape. At the cabin, the captive bodyguard takes advantage of Eliot’s mistake to kill him and escape. After discovering that the feds are spying on them, Quinn’s men move into the house. When Duffy finds Eliot dead and the bodyguard has escaped, she calls Reacher to tell him so and get him out of the house, but Reacher formulates a plan involving Villanueva. Duffy cuts the power and Reacher uses Villanueva as bait to kill the bodyguard. Back at the house, Zachary informs Reacher that Annette, the maid, was an ATF infiltrator and that Paulie has killed her. Reacher tells Duffy that several Feds are spying on them and that Quinn is dealing in firearms, not drugs. The next morning, Zachary informs Reacher that they have been summoned to a factory. Reacher and Zachary arrive there just as they are about to meet Quinn.

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Our theme music is ‘Skate Beat’ provided by Michael Henry, with additional music provided by Michael Henry. Find more at MeetMichaelHenry.com.

The Infamous Podcast is hosted by Brian Tudor and Darryl Jasper, is recorded in Cincinnati, Ohio. The show is produced and edited by Brian Tudor.

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