What to Watch When You’re Streaming This week on the show Johnny and Brian are talking about the latest batch of movie trailers that aired during the ‘big game’, look at the huge surprise...
Rebels Mutants and the End of an Era! This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are talking the change in ownership at Valiant, The Gifted on Fox, and the final season of Star...
New Year, New Stuff to Geek Out About! 2017 had some pretty great movies, TV shows, and comics. 2018 will look to top the previous year with a whole new slate of movies, TV,...
What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie? On this, the final episode of 2017, Johnny and Brian take the time to share their favorite 10 movies of 2017. This was a pretty great year for movies,...
Laser Swords, Bird Things, and the Force This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are reviewing Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Be Warned There Are SPOILERS, there was no way to talk about...
The TV is The Greatest Babysitter Ever Invented! This week on the Podcast Johnny and Brian are breaking down their favorite TV Shows from 2017 across broadcast, streaming, and YouTube. Certified Infamous TV Shows...
Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, And Justice League… It’s Good to be a Geek This week on the show Johnny and Brian take a look at the Justice League Box Office, look ahead to the...
There’s A Place You’ve Gotta Go This week Johnny and Brian talk some news, then share the highlights from their visit to the amazing Kokomo Toys and Collectibles and The Toy Pit. Then they...
Egos and Hammer = the Breakfast of Champions This week on the podcast it is Disney vs. the L.A. Times, the Orville Season 2 pick-up, and Brian Michael Bendis surprise everyone and packs his...
Covers, Covers, Covers… Prime Robots and Punk Mutants! This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are talking about comic book covers again. This time around Johnny has Optimus Prime and Brian has Quentin...