Action Comic Monsters! This week on the show Johnny and Brian cap off the Action Movie Monster series with a good old fashioned Cover Up! They each picked two of their favorite comic covers...
MARVEL’S THOR: RAGNAROK FALL 2017 TOYS FROM HASBRO Gear up for other-worldly adventures with a thundering cast of Super Heroes and Super Villains as Marvel’s THOR: RAGNAROK hits theaters in November 2017! Fans can...
Dead or Alive, You’re Listening to Us! This is the last installment in the Action Monster Movie series and Johnny and Brian close out with a bang with Robocop! They take a look at...
Get to the Choppa!!! This week on the show (THE 100th EPISODE!!) Johnny and Brian continue the Action Monster Movie Series with the 1987 classic, Predator! To make it even more awesome this week...
Everyone Needs a Nice Face Hug Now and Then! This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian continue their series on 1980’s Action Movie Monsters with the 1986 classic Aliens! News Bites Wonder Woman...
He Said He’d Be Back… And He Meant It! This week on the Show Johnny and Brian are talking about one of the most underrated genres of films… Action Movie Monsters! This is the...
More Elegant Art From a More Civilized Time This week on the show Johnny and Brian celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Wars by celebrating some of their favorite art from across the movies,...
Every Animal Was Kung Fu Fighting! This week Johnny and Brian are joined again by comic book writing veteran J. Torres. J. is here to talk about The Might Zodiac Vol. 1 (hopefully Vol....
I’m Mary Poppins, Y’All! This week Johnny and Brian blast off to the Cosmic MCU to revisit the Guardians of the Galaxy! They also talk about how they spent their Free Comic Book Day...
Who Watches the Watchmen… Batman and Flash! This week Johnny and Brian have a great conversation about the latest DC Comics event ‘The Button’, they talk about ‘Secret Empire’ #0, and give their thoughts...
Talking Star Was with YouTuber David Griffin This week on the show Johnny and Brian welcome back the unofficial third member of the team David Griffin! David was able to attend Star Wars Celebration...
Trigger Warnings Abound This week Johnny and Brian are taking a side street away from Tights, Flight, and all that good stuff and looking at the Netflix Original Series ’13 Reasons Why’ based on...
It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Another Edition of Cover Up! Welcome to the fourth edition of Cover Up! This week Johnny and Brian are reviewing some of their favorite covers throughout the...
Cel-e-brate Star Wars… Come on! This week Johnny and Brian are joined once again by LucasFilm artist Joe Corroney… but this time Joe brought along Brian Miller of Hi-Fi Color. Joe and Brian are...