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Episode 186 – Endgaming the System

That IS America’s Podcast This week on the show Brian and Johnny give a SPOILER heavy review of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame. Special guest this week: Joe Corroney! Avengers: Endgame Summary Avengers: Endgame is a...

Episode 169 – What-ch-U Talkin’ Bout 2019?

What’s Worth Watching in 2019? 2018 has come and gone, now is the time to look ahead at some of best comics, TV shows and movies coming out in 2019! What We Want to...

Cameron’s Venom – Episode 144

Randomness… nothing but randomness This week on the show Johnny and Brian get really random and rant a lot about things they like, and some things they don’t. Don’t forget to head to our...

A Giant Among Titans – Episode 143

Are You Ready? Then… Let’s Get Ready to AVENGERS!!!! This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian talk about the HBO documentary Andre the Giant, then break down the essential list of MCU movies...

The Lions, The Witch, and The Toy Store – Episode 139

Where Oh Where Will We Find Our Wonderful Toys? This week on the show Johnny and Brian review the latest Avengers: Infinity War Trailer, Talk about the official word about the Toys r Us...

#CertifiedInfamous Best of 2017: Comic Books – Episode 124

Funny Books Are The Best This week on the show Johnny and Brian kick off the annual #CertifiedInfamous lists for the Best Comic Books of 2017. They also finally get around to reviewing the...

Make Mine Marvel – Episode 16

This week Johnny and Brian talk about the premier of the trailer for Preacher on AMC, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they talk about all of the current and forthcoming All-New All-Different Marvel books coming...