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comic books

#CertifiedInfamous Best of 2017: TV Shows – Episode 125

The TV is The Greatest Babysitter Ever Invented! This week on the Podcast Johnny and Brian are breaking down their favorite TV Shows from 2017 across broadcast, streaming, and YouTube. Certified Infamous TV Shows...

#CertifiedInfamous Best of 2017: Comic Books – Episode 124

Funny Books Are The Best This week on the show Johnny and Brian kick off the annual #CertifiedInfamous lists for the Best Comic Books of 2017. They also finally get around to reviewing the...

Who Punishes The Punisher? – Episode 123

The Punisher Doing What He Does Best This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are giving their spoiler review of the latest Netflix Marvel Series, The Punisher! The Punisher (2017) Summary Marvel’s The...

TMNT, Rebels, and Justice League Box Office Disasters – Episode 122

Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, And Justice League… It’s Good to be a Geek This week on the show Johnny and Brian take a look at the Justice League Box Office, look ahead to the...

Way Up in Kokomo – Justice League Review – Episode 121

There’s A Place You’ve Gotta Go This week Johnny and Brian talk some news, then share the highlights from their visit to the amazing Kokomo Toys and Collectibles and The Toy Pit. Then they...

Stranger Asgardian Things – Episode 120

Egos and Hammer = the Breakfast of Champions This week on the podcast it is Disney vs. the L.A. Times, the Orville Season 2 pick-up, and Brian Michael Bendis surprise everyone and packs his...

Cover Up 9: Punk vs. Prime

Covers, Covers, Covers… Prime Robots and Punk Mutants!  This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are talking about comic book covers again. This time around Johnny has Optimus Prime and Brian has Quentin...

Babysitting Mind Lions – Episode 118

We Swear We Aren’t Sponsored by Netflix! This week on the show Johnny and Brian make it a Netflix kind of an episode! They are talking Voltron Season 4, Mindhunter, and the Netflix Original...

Johnny Should Have Vlogged That – Episode 117

Welcome Back, Johnny… welcome back, welcome back This week Johnny is back in the hot seat to talk about the latest slate of trailer that hit the web while he was at Disney World!...

Family Matters More – Episode 116

Did Weeee DOOOOOO That? This week on the show Johnny is off in the Happiest Place on Earth, so Brian is joined by the guys from Roma Collectibles, Aaron and Cousin Kenny sit in....

What’s Marvel’s Legacy? – Episode 115

Inhumans, Mutants, and Reboots… Oh My! This week Johnny and Brian decided to make theirs Marvel! They are talking about the 2 newest Marvel property TV Series with the Inhumans on ABC and The...

Johnny’s Jedi Derailment: A Star Wars Story – Episode 113

Don’t Cross Kathleen Kennedy! This week Johnny and Brian are celebrating Jack Kirby (just a couple of weeks after what would have been his 100th birthday)! All this plus they say goodbye to Len...

Exclusive Ohio Toy and Comic Show Best of Episode

The Best of the Best of the Best… of the Best Ok, so Brian was sick this week and we were planning on talking current events to record live. Soooo since Brian doesn’t have...

Game of Thrones Season 7 Recap – Episode 112

That Dragon Was as Cold as Ice This week on the show Johnny and Brian are FINALLY joined by Cousin Kenny! And they are only talking one thing… Game of Thrones Season 7! So...

The Defenders Recap – Episode 111

Street Levels Fighting Supernatural Crime This week on the show Brian and Johnny are talking Marvel’s The Defenders, the latest Marvel series from Netflix. Caution this is a full series recap so there will...