This REALLY is Us – Episode 134
The Never Ending Cliff Hanger Saga This week on the show Johnny and Brian are talking about This is Us and the recently released reports that Zack Snyder’s ouster from Justice League may have...
#CertifiedInfamous Best of 2017: TV Shows – Episode 125
The TV is The Greatest Babysitter Ever Invented! This week on the Podcast Johnny and Brian are breaking down their favorite TV Shows from 2017 across broadcast, streaming, and YouTube. Certified Infamous TV Shows...
Star Trek: The Original Series – Episode 59
This is the Five Year Mission This week Johnny and Brian kick the Star Trek into HIGH GEAR! With September 6th being the 50th anniversary of the 1966 premiere of the premiere on NBC,...
Looking Forward 2016 – Episode 24
Happy New Year! In this year ending episode of the Infamous Podcast, Johnny and Brian share the movies, tv shows, comics and more they are looking forward to in 2016.