Episode 301 – Suicide Pact
You Get a Starro… You Get a Starro… YOU Get a Starro! This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl are talking about the crazy new Venom 2 trailer, the drama around Sarjo vs....
Episode 281 – The Best Star-Spangly Man
Nerd Dad Superman is the Best Superman This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl are talking Supes and LoLo for the last time until May, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’s new Captain...
Episode 255 – WandaVision Looks Kinda Trippy
It’s a News Heavy Day This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl take an opportunity to catch up on news from the past week including the WandaVision trailer. Then head off to Vought...
Episode 251 – DC Fandome
Did DC Comics Out Comic-con Comic-con? This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl look at all of the news out of DC Fandome. The Good, The Bad, and the downright Head Scratchers! All...