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Episode 338 – Who Trailers the Trailers

We take a week off and all these trailers drop! This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl are talking about all the fun trailers dropped whilst they were away! Episode Index Intro: 0:07...

Episode 259 – The Evil Lie

Happy Blumhouse-ween This week on the podcast, Brian and Darryl get in the Halloween mood talking about two of the four new Blumhouse Halloween movies on Amazon Prime, ‘The Lie’ and ‘Evil Eye’. Plus,...

Episode 174 – Underrated Sci-Fi: Willow

Careful What You Conjure This week on the podcast Johnny and Brian are defending 1988’s Willow, one of their favorites. They will also try to answer the question… Does Fantasy Count as Sci-Fi? Willow...